What to Expect On Your First Anti Wrinkle Consultation ?

anti wrinkle injections sydney

What Should You Expect From Your Anti Wrinkle Injections Sydney

Article on Anti-wrinkle injections, Sydney

In Australia, anti-wrinkle injections such as Botox and Dysport are prescription-only medications. Therefore, on your first consultation with a cosmetic nurse injector or doctor, you will be asked some questions before the script can be written.

How Do I Get My Script?

If you are seeing a cosmetic nurse injector you will require a script from a doctor before going ahead with the treatment. Thanks to the wonders of modern communications, the doctors’ consultation can be Skyped or Facetimed by the nurse so you don’t have to sit in a waiting room reading old copies of Women’s Day. It usually takes only a few minutes.

While the risks associated with anti-wrinkle treatments are small, the treatment is unsuitable for a few people so expect to be asked the usual questions about allergies, pregnancy and medical history including medications you take. Of course all of these details are confidential.

Once your doctor has approved your treatment, your cosmetic specialist is given your script and the magic can soon begin.

Now the consultation is between you and your specialist.

What Makes A Good Practitioner?

At all times you should feel:

  • Confident of your specialist’s abilities
  • Free to ask questions
  • Unhurried
  • Free to change your mind.

Your specialist will have questions and advice on the outcome you want. Only once you are both clear on your expectations will you be asked to sign a consent form so the procedure can start.


It is common practice to take before and after photos. These help you keep track of your treatment over time and can be checked at later visit when reviewing your desired results. Photos are never published without consent and are confidential as is the entire treatment.

How Long Is My Procedure?

In many cases you will spend less than 10 minutes actually in the chair. The procedure should cause minimal discomfort.

After Care

Finally, a good practitioner will give you instructions on after-care. These are tips that will help you get the best, and long-lasting result from your treatment.

Keep Smiling 🙂
